What Foods are Good for Depression and Anxiety?

Nowadays, almost every person is coping with depression, but it can be dangerous for some people. They need professional counseling and medical treatment to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety. In this process, people forget the importance of lifestyle remedies. A healthy diet is necessary to boost your well-being. Nutrition is an overlooked aspect of mental health. Keep it in mind that food plays a vital role in your physical, emotional and mental health. However, there is no specific diet for depression; healthy eating can help you to manage symptoms of despair. Small changes in your diet may help you to deal with anxiety and downheartedness. If you are under medical treatment, make sure to consult your doctor before making significant changes in your diet.

Understand the Relation Between Depression and Diet

Dietary habits of a person can increase or decrease his/her depression. Nutritional counseling proves helpful to treat moderate and severe depression. For this reason, your diet must include whole and fresh foods. Limit the consumption of fried food, sweets, junk food, and refined foods. Several people can improve or manage their symptoms of anxiety and depression with food. Here are some food items that are good for depression.   Understand the Relation Between Depression and Diet  

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can help you with miserable disorders. By eating food with omega-3 fatty acids, you can decrease the risk of brain disease and mood disorders. It will help you to protect your nerve cells. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseed oil, flaxseed, salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines. Omega-3 supplements are easily available in the market.


To decrease anxiety and improve mood, you have to increase the consumption of selenium. It is available in different food items, such as Brazil nuts, whole grains, seafood, and liver. Remember, nuts are always good for depressive disorders. You are allowed to eat hazelnuts, walnuts, and cashew. Keep it in mind that walnuts can keep your brain healthy. It is an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fats. With its regular intake, you can maintain your blood sugar.


With the help of vitamins A, E, and C, you can control your depression and anxiety. Remember, antioxidants can remove free radicals from your body. Free radicals are waste products in your body. If your body can’t eliminate free radicals, these can develop oxidative stress.   Antioxidants Foods for Depression   Unfortunately, oxidative stress may be the reason for several health problems, including anxiety and apprehension. Antioxidants are available in berries and other plant-based foods. You can include soy, vegetables, and fresh fruits in your diet to deal with the symptoms of stress.

Vitamin D

With the help of vitamin D, you can treat your despair. Sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, but you can’t ignore dietary sources. Vitamin D is available in egg, beef liver, dairy products (fortified) and oily fish.

B Vitamins

Vitamins B-9 and B-12 (folic acid or folate) can protect your nervous system. With the use of B vitamins, you can treat your mood disorders. The best sources of B-12 are poultry, meat, eggs, oysters, milk, fish and fortified cereals. Famous food items with folate are nuts, fruits, beans, leafy vegetables, dairy products, seafood, whole grains, eggs, seafood, poultry, and meat. You can’t ignore beans in your diet because these are a fantastic source of fiber and protein. With fiber and protein, you can maintain your blood sugar. Chickpeas or garbanzo beans are high in folate. You can eat almost ½ cup of these beans daily. Another excellent choice is pinto beans. Remember, your food choices can increase the positive results of depression treatment.


Your gut health has a direct relation to your mental fitness. Several studies prove that microorganisms and probiotics reside in your gut. They can improve your mood by decreasing the inflammation of your body and produce neurotransmitters. It can affect the response of your body to stress. Remember, irritable bowel disorder can develop depression and anxiety. For this reason, you will need food items with probiotics. Some great options are kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, tofu, miso, tempeh, and yogurt. These food items will help you to treat clinical depression.


Zinc can boost the immune system of your body and decrease depression. In numerous people, zinc can work as an antidepressant. You can find zinc in oysters, whole grains, chicken, beef, pumpkin seeds, nuts, and beans.   Zinc Rich Foods for Depression and Anxiety  


Remember, protein is necessary for the repair and growth of your body. It is also helpful for people suffering from anxiety and depression. Your body needs tryptophan protein to create serotonin. This hormone enables you to feel good. Tryptophan is available in chickpeas, turkey and tuna. Serotonin plays a vital role in depression management. By eating healthy food, you can increase serotonin levels in your body.

Things to Avoid in Depression

To decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, you have to avoid unhealthy food items. Some foods are not suitable for your body. See these items to avoid during the depression.


Sugary drinks and foods are not suitable for your body. Keep it in mind that sugar will not only affect your waistline but influence your mood. Avoid food items filled with sugar, like drinks, cereals, cookies, cakes, salad dressing, barbecue sauce, etc. Before buying food from the market, carefully read its label. Sugar may be available in different forms, such as honey, sucrose, maltose, lactose, fructose, corn syrup, dextrose, and HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup).   Things to Avoid in Depression   Mindfully choose food items and limit your sugar consumption. Moreover, refined grains are dangerous for your physical and mental health. You have to avoid bread, crackers, pasta, white rice, breaded foods, and chips. These items have plenty of refined carbohydrates. It can be shocking for you that refined carbohydrates can rob B vitamins from your body during digestion. If you are struggling with depression, stay away from caffeine and alcohol. Remember, consumption of alcohol may affect your judgment, reaction time and vision. Make sure to consult your medical provider before trying new food. Making the best food choice can improve your overall health. You can notice its positive impacts on your emotional well-being.